
Baybagyshov Ermek Muratkanovich

Rector of Naryn State University named after S. Naamatov,

Associate Professor of Ecology

Phone: (3522) 50 816 (employee)

E-Mail : rector@nsu.kg ; nsu0896@yahoo.de

Nurdinov Maksatbek Sarbagyshovich

Vice-rector for science and investment

Phone: +996 703 010 534

Chorobaeva Narynkul Abdykalykovna

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs,

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Acting Professor.

Phone: (3 522)53335, 555 085 050

email: nchorobaeva@gmail.com


Sargashkaev Esenbay Abdyraevich

Vice-rector for state language and extracurricular activities,

candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Phone: (3 522) 5−08−13 (employee)

E-mail: S_esenbai@mail.ru

Bekejanov Marlis Melisovich

Vice-rector for agricultural affairs ,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Phone: 555 345 321

E-mail: markis@inbox.ru